2021 Call for UNESCO Creative Cities now open!

Natalie MooreŁódź, Bitola, Bradford, Bristol, Busan, Collaborative, Galway, Mumbai, Network, Potsdam, Qingdao, Rome, Sarajevo, Sofia, Sydney, Terrassa, Valladolid, Yamagata

Created in 2004, the UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN) fosters international cooperation within and across cities of the world that have invested in culture and creativity as an accelerator of various aspects of sustainable development. Together with its 246 member cities from over 80 Member States, the UCCN aims to fulfil the power of culture and creativity in building cities that are resilient, sustainable and future-proof. It also supports Member States and their cities in the implementation of the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, notably at the local level.

Candidate cities should submit their applications and other requested information to UNESCO by using the standard official Application Form. Please note, applications received after the deadline, incomplete applications or applications transmitted in a different format will not be considered. All information on the 2021 Call for Applications, including the Application Form and the Guidelines, is available at the following link: http://en.unesco.org/creative-cities/content/call-applications. A series of tutorials have also been developed to provide an overview of the Network and the application procedure.

With a view to strengthening the geographical representation of the Network, the specific Cooperation Framework to encourage applications from cities in Africa and the Arab States, which are currently under-represented within the Network, has been continued for the 2021 Call for Applications. Applicant cities from Member States of the two regions are encouraged to participate in this framework during the application process. For any additional information, please refer to the Annex of the Application Guidelines.

To know more, you may access the documents below and find out what is required and it means to become a UNESCO Creative City.

Key Document:

Further information about the call and the UNESCO Creative Cities Network can be found here.